
Served as the capital of the Bosnian Kingdom [6].

Possesses an Impressive waterfall at the entrance of the town’s walls [6].

Waterfall International Jumps

On the first week of August, the town’s waterfall hosts an annual diving competition which features around 30 professionals [6].

Jajce was built in the 14th century, and served as the capital of the Bosnian Kingdom [6].

The last king of Bosnia, Stjepan Tomašević, resided in the town [6].

However, he was also executed here by the Ottomans [6].

(Stjepan Tomašević) [13]

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In 1527, Jajce was finally controlled by the Ottoman Empire [6].

It was the last Bosnian town to be taken over [6].

In the 1830s, the town fell into despair after a devastating fire [6].

During the Yugoslav wars (1992-1995), the town fell to the Serbs [6].

By the time it was retaken by the Bosniaks, all the mosques and churches were destroyed [6].

Although many have been rebuilt, many war stricken buildings can be seen [6].



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The fortress has a striking feature from outside [6].

However, in the inside its mostly bald grass, but it does provide sweeping views of the surroundings [6].

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One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world [6].

21 metres in depth [6].


Served as the capital of the Bosnian Kingdom [6].

Possesses an Impressive waterfall at the entrance of the town’s walls [6].

Waterfall International Jumps

On the first week of August, the town’s waterfall hosts an annual diving competition which features around 30 professionals [6].

Jajce was built in the 14th century, and served as the capital of the Bosnian Kingdom [6].

The last king of Bosnia, Stjepan Tomašević, resided in the town [6].

However, he was also executed here by the Ottomans [6].

(Stjepan Tomašević) [13]

[expand title=””]

In 1527, Jajce was finally controlled by the Ottoman Empire [6].

It was the last Bosnian town to be taken over [6].

In the 1830s, the town fell into despair after a devastating fire [6].

During the Yugoslav wars (1992-1995), the town fell to the Serbs [6].

By the time it was retaken by the Bosniaks, all the mosques and churches were destroyed [6].

Although many have been rebuilt, many war stricken buildings can be seen [6].


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The fortress has a striking feature from outside [6].

However, in the inside its mostly bald grass, but it does provide sweeping views of the surroundings [6].

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One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world [6].

21 metres in depth [6].

Jajce Experience

My experience of Jajce comprised of a day trip. In my stay, I got to see the two main attractions: ‘Pliva waterfall’ and ‘Jajce Fortress’. I thoroughly enjoyed both of these sights, as they provide a uniqueness to the town. The waterfall, although small, is an amazing ‘gateway’. It’s the first thing you see when you enter the town. Then once you get to the fortress, you’re able to see the scenic views of the whole surrounding environment. This was my favourite part, as the nature of Bosnia is quite stunning. In my opinion, Jajce is a pleasant small town to visit for the day or overnight. I highly recommend it, not only for the sights, but because it’s also a significant piece of Bosnian History.